Let's Get Real About Money: The Impact of Money On Your Relationship

Recently, Registered Psychotherapist and founder of everwell Counselling Carly Fleming, was interviewed by The Toronto Star for a feature on ‘The Kit’, (a lifestyle news source for Canadians) about finances and the impact it can have on relationships. Specifically, the interview centred on the types of issues and possible solutions a couples counsellor can offer for those struggling with ongoing arguments about money. Here’s what Carly had to say…

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There’s a Mental Health Crisis at Canadian Universities and Colleges

There is a critical and ongoing crisis at Canadian colleges and universities: students are at increasing risk of mental health problems, and these academic institutions are struggling in their efforts to respond. This reality reflects a broader crisis in youth mental health across Canada, which has seen increasing rates of depression, anxiety and suicide among young people over the past decade. And, the pandemic has only made things worse.

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Let's Get Real About Kids: The Impact of Kids On Your Relationship

More than a few parents joke that they fall third or forth in the partner’s priorities, after the kids and the dog. But for many partners, it’s not really a joke. Many assume that’s the way it should be- being a good parent means putting the kids’ needs first because that’s what it takes. But we’re here to tell you there’s strong evidence that proves otherwise.

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The Gottman Method Approach to Couples Counselling

We’re talking to Monica Donsanjh, a Registered Social Worker, here at everwell who has Level 1, 2 and 3 Gottman Method Training about what the Gottman Method is and how it can benefit couples in counselling.

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Let's Get Real About Fights: Managing Conflict in your Relationship

Did you know that 69% of problems in a relationship are unsolvable? Trying to solve unsolvable problems is counter-productive. Instead, couples must learn to manage conflict rather than avoid or attempt to eliminate it. Here are three ‘blueprints’ for managing conflict in your relationship.

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Let's Get Real About Relationships: Q&A with a Couples Therapist

The reality is committed relationships don’t happen overnight. Healthy relationships take much time and care to protect. We’re talking to Mikaela Gossmann-Bond, a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), here at everwell about couples ‘getting real’ about their relationship.

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Let's Get Real About Sex: What is Healthy Sexuality in a Relationship?

We’ve been told about the ‘birds and the bees’, but have we ever been told what a healthy sexual relationship should be? What it shouldn’t be? Here are 12 characteristics of sex that identify what a sexually healthy can be. How do you feel in your relationship?

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How Generation Covid Is Losing Out

We wanted to share this eye opening article from The Financial Times about their recent global survey about what they term as ‘Generation Covid’. It’s abundantly clear at this point that those under 30 are at more risk than ever to experience amplified mental health struggles. While navigating the normal, expected pressures of life, they have been served a second helping of stress, pressure, and expectation, all thanks to COVID.

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6 Ways To Set Better Boundaries with your Friends and Family

For many of us, spending time with friends and family can feel taxing – like we are meeting the needs of the people around us but they aren’t meeting ours. Here are some relatively easy ways to begin setting better boundaries.

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Three Things You Can Expect From Your Couples Therapist

If you and your partner have decided that you need couples therapy, there are probably many feelings coursing through you. Seeking therapy for your relationship can be frightening, especially if you do not know what to expect. While you may not be able to anticipate exactly how the first sessions go, there are certain things that you and your partner should be able to expect from any couples therapist.

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Is Online Couples Therapy Right For You and Your Partner?

As the world has changed so has the structure of therapy. Technology’s importance in everyday life is rising, and the current pandemic climate is keeping us in our houses more than ever. With these factors, more and more couples are wondering what it might be like to do couple therapy online rather than in the office. Online couple therapy is not a sub-par replacement for office sessions, but in fact brings its own unique benefits. Here are some reasons why online couples therapy might benefit you.

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Back To School Anxiety for Parents - Like We've Never Experienced Before

It’s back to school season. Typically that hectic time of year of new shoes, backpacks, pencil cases, water bottles and bulk peanut-free snacks. Typically, a transitional time of year when families used to look forward to school resuming at summer’s end. But this year things are anything but typical. This year, parents are frantically searching for breathable face masks, hand wipes and gallons of sanitizer. This year, back-to-school season is packing a powerful emotional punch - of anxiety - and parents are getting hit hard.

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Why Does My Partner Feel Like My Roommate?

As a therapist who specializes in working with couples, it is always interesting to see the world through the common themes that emerge with different couples in a short period of time. Lately, couples have been saying they feel more like roommates than lovers or life partners.

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McMaster University Study Shows that Virtual Therapy is Here to Stay

In the not so distant past, it was the general perception that face-to-face therapy facilitated a better connection between a person and their therapist. However, new revelations have come to light about virtual therapy, debunking previous notions about the efficacy of treatment online. Our colleagues at McMaster University have published a study that fits exactly with what we have been seeing during the COVID-19 shutdown…

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Reflecting on Black Lives Matter: Change Starts With Self-awareness

As the founder of everwell it has always been my priority to create a safe place where people can work towards meaning and healing. It is time for me to learn more about how working towards meaning and healing differs depending on an individual's lived experience of racism, stigma, oppression, exclusion and systemic bias so that I can create a place where ALL people can do this important work.

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Talking about COVID-19: Taking Care of Yourself is Productive

As a psychotherapist I know too well the negative effects of prioritizing productivity over all else. Heck, as a human I know the negative effects of this and how it shows up in my own life. Although life has technically slowed down for some during this time –for many it hasn’t and for most of us it has meant a much more disorganized and hectic day to day. And yet, the pressures we continue to put on ourselves to be productive are alive and well.

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